Episode 16

July 18, 2024


Balancing Masculine and Feminine Approach in Content Creation with Emily Poe

Balancing Masculine and Feminine Approach in Content Creation with Emily Poe
Societygal Podcast
Balancing Masculine and Feminine Approach in Content Creation with Emily Poe

Jul 18 2024 | 00:34:56


Show Notes

In this insightful episode of the Societygal Podcast, we welcome Emily, a doula-turned-marketing specialist, to discuss the art of creating content with balance. The conversation is all about harmonizing masculine and feminine energies in business and marketing strategies. You’re in for a treat!

What is talked about:

  • The concept of balancing masculine and feminine energies in content creation and marketing
  • Defining and recognizing "heavy masculine" and "heavy feminine" approaches in business
  • Strategies for creating a personalized content creation process that aligns with individual strengths and goals
  • Overcoming limiting beliefs and personal barriers in content creation


Emily is a former doula who transitioned into the world of marketing, specializing in human-centered marketing strategies. With a background in birth work and a passion for balancing structure with creativity, Emily helps entrepreneurs find their unique voice in content creation. Her approach combines practical marketing techniques with intuitive business practices. She is a single homeschooling mom, and lover of live music, dance, human design and astrology.






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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: I always say that your feminine and your marketing and in your business is like your brand voice. Like how you come across, why people like to watch your content, why people like engaging with you. What is your passion? Why are you here? The really deep, flowy kind of energy. And then the masculine is more like, how are you showing up every day? What are your routines around your business? What strategies are you using? Like, what goals are you setting? Things like that. And so we really need both in business to scale and to grow in a way that works and feels good. [00:00:33] Speaker B: Welcome to the society Gal podcast where trailblazing female entrepreneurs and creatives come together to spark, change and build their dreams. This is where your passion meets purpose. And together we're crafting a future where everyone has the tools to succeed. Welcome to the society Gal podcast. We are so excited to have Emily here with us today, and she's going to tell us all about her amazing story and really creating content with balance and really balancing masculine and feminine energy. And this is just an amazing topic. I'm so excited to just break down. And she breaks it down so well. So let's just get started about how you got to this place. Speaking about this really unique take on creating content. Just tell us your story on how you got here. [00:01:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to dive into this. So, I'm Emily. I am a doula and have been a doula for the past five years of my life and for the, like, last year. So we're talking like 2022 into 2023. I spent most of that time working overnight as a doula. And after about a year of doing that, and I'm also a single mom and just trying to balance all the different hats, I got super burnt out. Like, my face was swollen, I was not doing well, and my body really needed a break. And so in the meantime, I was kind of like playing with ideas of what I could do to create some space, really for my body to recover and to create some space for rest in my life, but still have like, some business going. And as I was kind of searching the Internet and doing some research, the topic of virtual assistant came up and I realized that I had actually secretly always loved the marketing side of being a doula. Creating my website, creating my brochures, going to like, networking events and stuff like that. I just actually loved it and was kind of naturally gifted at it. And so then I heard about virtual assistants and I thought, okay, that could be, you know, something that I can do. I have, like, these this skill set that I can bring into here. And so that's when I started my business as a virtual assistant for birth professionals. And that was a year ago. And since then, I have evolved. I've niched down, and now I specialize in marketing, and then I niche down more, and now I specialize in, like, human centered marketing. Basically, the way that that happened is when I first got into the marketing world, I realized that there was kind of two sides of it, and there is the side of it that's super strategic and, like, bro marketing, you know, the stuff that feels kind of icky and doesn't have a whole lot of space for our feminine. Then there was the super spiritual side that was not actually very helpful. It just talked more about manifesting, but not actual marketing strategy and tools. So I dove into both of those worlds and then found myself here in the middle, balancing the masculine and feminine. And that's what I needed for my business. And now that's what I help other people do as well. [00:03:32] Speaker B: I love that. Awesome. I'm so excited to dig in. Okay, so then let's talk about that. Let's talk about. Yeah. What does feminine and masculine energy balance look like in your business? Some people talk about this, but they don't talk about this, and so we're kind of mixing the two. So let's. Can you break that down for us on how to balance that? [00:03:50] Speaker A: Yeah, well, as far as, like, the how, I think it's, like, even helpful to talk about, like, what that is and what that looks like, because I think masculine and feminine can be these kind of, like, buzzwords, right? It's like your. Your sacred inner feminine, and it's like, hey, but what is that? Like, what does that look like? Especially in business, especially in marketing, that's, like, so niche down. And so basically, the feminine is the more, like, free flowing, creative side of your business, and the masculine is the more, like, strategic and structured side of your business. So if you think of, like, the way I like to explain it is if you think of, like, a river, like, the feminine is the water that's flowing in the river, and the masculine is like the earth, and, like, the riverbed that's holding it, without the riverbed, the water would just kind of, like, flush out and, like, disappear and just soak back into the earth. But because it has this space holding it and the structure holding it, it's able to flow. And then same for the riverbed, without the water, it would just dry up, and there would be no point for it existing. They go really well hand in hand together. Yeah. But as far as, like, what that looks like, I think we could talk, like, specifics. I always say that you're feminine in your marketing and in your business is like, your brand voice, like, how you come across, why people like to watch your content, why people, like engaging with you. What is your passion? Why are you here? The really deep, flowy kind of energy. And then the masculine is more like, how are you showing up every day? What are your routines around your business? What strategies are you using? Like, what goals are you setting? Things like that. And so we really need both in business to scale and to grow in a way that works and feels good. [00:05:31] Speaker B: Yeah. And we're going to dig deeper into, like, how you can create that balance. But I love how you talked about what are both, where, like, masculine is more tangible and feminine is more like the energy or the tone in your business. So let's talk about what heavy masculine looks like. What heavy feminine, like, what, what does it look like when one is out of balance in your business? [00:05:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I love that. Another way that people might understand that is like this. The phrase of, like, wounded masculine or wounded feminine is the same. Like, heavy masculine, heavy feminine and that. So from, like, a masculine perspective, if you are existing in your, like, heavy or wounded masculine, then you're probably lacking passion. You're probably burning out. You are, like, overly strategic and your content probably. You're not feeling very creative. You're not feeling very inspired. You're kind of going with what you feel like you should do based on what other people say. Maybe you're lacking confidence and having imposter syndrome and just feeling kind of, like, shackled by your business and not very inspired by it. So I would say that that is more of the, like, heavy masculine, I think that shows up in content creation and marketing whenever we're just following trends and not really carving our own path and not feeling very confident and the things that we say on camera and just really, like, toning ourselves out of our content, I think. Is that, like, really heavy masculine, the wounded masculine space? [00:06:55] Speaker B: Yeah. And, like, try to have, like, these do it this way strategy just to get the job done or just to get the sale or just to get it, you know, without the feeling, which, like you said before, we see that a lot in bro marketing where it's so heavy masculine, it works for some people where you're just like, get the sale. Doesn't matter how you get it, get the sale. It doesn't matter how you create content, just create the content. So I definitely feel that myself a lot of time. [00:07:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:18] Speaker B: And I like how you said how, you know, you're seeing other people do these things and you want us do other people are doing because you see them getting the sale or you see them getting, you know, creating the content nicely, but you don't know how they're doing it. So just like, I'm gonna do, no matter what, however I see it done, I'm gonna just go do it. Doesn't matter if it aligns with me or anything, I'm just gonna do it because they're successful. So I wanna be successful. So I guess almost like that just tunnel vision of just like, I'm going head strong no matter how it actually feels or like, actually how it feels to do it or make the sale or anything like that. So I definitely see that. I love how you showed what it looks like in your business. So let's talk about heavy, feminine, like, what does that look like? [00:07:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I love to what you said about, like, the just getting the sale and, like, trying to rush through that because also I think we all know how it feels to consume content that is made from that space. And it doesn't feel good. It feels, like, empty, it feels gross. It feels like, you know, you can feel it. [00:08:11] Speaker B: Like, you can feel the energy. [00:08:12] Speaker A: Yeah. And it doesn't feel great. That's the stuff that everybody just skips path. And on the heavy, wounded, feminine side, I would say that this is whenever we are a little bit too go with the flow and just kind of like, oh, I'll just like, post whenever, or I'll just post whatever. I'll post when I'm inspired. Because the problem there is that that's not consistent. And marketing, especially social media marketing, is a long game. It's not like you create one post when you're super inspired and then that one post launches your whole offer. Like, it's a really, I like to say it's like a tapestry. And each post adds a little bit more to the tapestry to make it this overall cohesive experience of your brand. And when we're relying on being inspired as our marketing strategy, it's really draining and it's really inconsistent and it doesn't do a whole lot for our business. And so I think whenever we're in that wounded, feminine space and just super free flowing and just going with the flow and going with what we're inspired by, then we kind of risk not seeing a whole lot of results from the effort that we're putting in. And not consistently growing with our business. [00:09:21] Speaker B: Yeah, I feel like it's also a comfier space. Well, especially when there's a lot of women listening to this. I feel like it's almost like you're staying a little more comfortable because you're like, oh, I feel inspired, so I'll do it instead of like, well, I need to do this because I have to make money, you know, like, I mean, there's a balance which we're going to talk about in a minute on how to create that. But I feel like what's comfortable here, just to go off my hormones or my feelings. And however I feel, I feel like. [00:09:43] Speaker A: Yeah, 100%, and I totally get that. I am such a free flowing person and very intuitive. I have so much cancer in my chart and everything. I am a highly intuitive business owner, for sure. And so that's been a really tough spot for me, has been realizing that and working on ways to work with my intuition and flow so that I don't feel shackled by the strategy, but more supported in how to mix both of them together. Yeah, that's been really helpful for me. [00:10:11] Speaker B: I love that because I feel like there's also a lot of us that can say, well, I'm always like this, or I can only work this way. And I think this podcast is really just showing. We're going to talk about how you can do both, because we can bring in the masculine, bring in the feminine to make it work for us, because we do need both. I mean, I love how you talked about the river because that was, like, the best way to look at it and just to really make it work for us. Because what you're going to be hearing on how you know it works for you or somebody else is just never going to be the same for anybody. And I loved how you said that earlier, and it's just never like, the feminine masculine balance is never gonna be the same for each person. It's gonna be so different. And that's why copying someone else's strategy is just not gonna work. [00:10:47] Speaker A: Yeah, it's just not gonna work. And unfortunately, there's, like, so much out there about, like, steal my strategy. And I think for, like, small things like that, that can be really helpful, even if it's just to, like, get you sparked and get you started. But ultimately, whatever you're using on a daily, weekly, monthly basis for your business needs to be yours. And it takes time and trial and error, unfortunately, to, like, really find that. And people don't want to hear that because it's not super sexy. It's not, like, super fun to hear, like, yeah, you're gonna have to mess up a few times before you really find your groove with this. But it's just true. And I think it's worth it because I know for myself, like, the times when I post the content that I'm super inspired by, it does so well on my account. Like, super high engagement and so many likes, and everybody loves it, and it's like, oh, you're so amazing. And, like, I love what you said. And I'm like, that's so fun. I should always post that way. And then I post, like, sales content, you know, and maybe it gets, like, way less likes and not as much, you know, engagement and everything like that, but, like, I get a client from it. And it's really just to say that both are so important because we're creating content not just to get likes and followers, but to run our business. And both pieces are such a key. [00:11:59] Speaker B: Part to actually convert. Yeah. [00:12:01] Speaker A: Yeah, right. [00:12:02] Speaker B: I love how you pointed that out because I think people get really discouraged by posting more of a sales post or something to make a decision. People need both, like, to make a decision about your business. They need both things. Oh, she's. Maybe they found you because you're so inspiring. Then they see the other parts of what you offer and they're like, oh, yes, like this, this and this together. Yes. Like, that's what I want. Because people need the information. Like, they need the information to actually make a decision. And they can't just make a decision typically off of an inspirational post, you know? [00:12:31] Speaker A: Yeah, it's such a good point because, like, there's, the way I see it, it's like there's three main, like, different types of contents. Like, attract, attraction content, which is the stuff that gets people in your world and, you know, like, makes them follow you and, like, get some clarity on your brand and then, like, nurture content is the stuff that makes them, like, trust you a whole lot, like, the educational type of content. And then the, like, convert content is like you're saying you're just sharing information about your offer with them. It doesn't have to be super salesy. It doesn't have to come from a place of like, oh, I'm like forcing someone to buy something. You're just sharing information of, hey, if you like to be here, if you're enjoying being in my world, like, here's how we can be in each other's worlds together. I think that's a really nice way to simplify it and not get too mentally, emotionally worked up about the sales piece of content. [00:13:21] Speaker B: There's so many people that I'm inspired by or that I see and I'm like, well, how do I even work with you, like, so hard to figure out how to work with you? In what way? Because I think that just comes across. I'm just like that kind of scared, like, fear of, like, oh, if I put something that's about how to work with me is like, so icky or, you know, there's a whole thing on that, of how people feel that way. But I can see that in someone's page that they have all this inspirational stuff. And then you're like, wait, how do I work with you? But I think everyone where, it's a business, you're a business, right? And you got it. We have to act like it. But I think that's, that is a difficult step. Well, tangent. [00:13:53] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. [00:13:56] Speaker B: Um, okay, so let's talk about then. Let's just dig deep into how you can create that balance because we, we touched on a little bit, but really sticking into what this is, I think really just all these examples are really helping people understand just like, what is this and what is it like in our business? And, I mean, I, again, like, I've never heard of this take on content. That's why I'm just so excited for this podcast episode because this conversation is so good. So let's, let's talk about how can we create that balance and, and what that looks like to mix both and then just find one that works for you personally. So how can we do that? [00:14:25] Speaker A: So when it comes to how we actually do this and how we implement this, I like to break it down into three main pillars. And the first one is getting clear on what you're talking about, because a lot of marketing is words, whether you're typing them in a caption, typing them in a carousel, saying them in a video. A lot of the content that we create has to do with words as well as the visuals and everything. And so when it comes to that, I think getting clear on your message and how to position yourself in a way that works with your ideal client, but also, like, feels aligned and feels good to you is so important because that way, when you go to create content, you're not having to, like, reinvent the wheel every single time of, like, wait, how do I talk about this offer? Having the words that you use to talk about that already laid out is going to make that so much easier because then you can feel however you need to feel while you're creating it, but you already have the structures out there supporting you and like, just piecing everything together instead of being emotional and scared and everything and then trying to figure out what you're going to say at the same time. I've been there and it's like, so. [00:15:34] Speaker B: Overwhelming when you get into that clarity of your brand, you have that kind of, that feeling of like, oh, I know this is really going to help somebody. Like, that feeling of, oh, I know this is going to help my person. Like, I know whatever I'm going to say is just going to be so inspirational, so helpful, so, like, going to help them on their journey. When you really understand who that person is and how you help them, that content just kind of like, for me, it just flows out because I'm like, I know this is so helpful to somebody. It's going to shift their perspective. It's going to change their life in a little way. And when you make content in that way, I mean, it just, it feels really exciting to create. [00:16:06] Speaker A: Yeah, I love that so much because it's so true. The content that we create not only does wonders for our business, but it can literally change the world. Because someone that you're going out and that you're inspiring them on the other side of their screen, you don't know that they might see that and then put their phone down and be inspired to take a really big action in their life, even if that means that they're hiring you to do that with them or whatever. The choices that they make after that, the content that we create not only ripples out into our business, but ripples out into the world, which is huge. [00:16:37] Speaker B: Yes. I love how you said that because I think so often we focus on me, me II with our content and who's going to book us, who's going to be our client, you know? But we have no idea that our content can affect somebody that never works with us and, like, actually change their life and they'll never work with us, they'll never message us. We'll never know that that actually happens. I think that feeling of knowing that just, that one piece of content can do wonders and actually literally change the world one person at a time, really just, I feel like, releases. Like, it's a relief. Like a relief. I feel like instead of, like, this burden of like, I need to do this to be successful, it's like we're already successful by showing up and showing our voice, which is just something that if we continue to remember that truth about ourselves, we can just be a lot more free with what we do when we create content, I think. Hey, this is Dana from society gal, and I wanted to take a quick break to tell you about the society Gal Academy, the exclusive membership that helps entrepreneurs like you launch, grow, and scale your business. Join weekly expert led workshops, access to on demand courses, and connect with a supportive network of go getters just like you. Are you ready to elevate your business? Visit Society Gal Academy today? [00:17:46] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. And it's like, stop putting so much pressure on your content to perform a certain way, because by holding onto it so tightly, you're actually, like, making it. That energy is getting stuck. And if you can just, like, loosen up a little bit and have fun with it, then it's so much easier and so much flowier, and you'll be so much more inspired, and you'll come off so differently in your content. Like, I remember some of the content I made in the early days. Like, one other piece of my story that I'll throw in real quick here is when I was doing my doula business and creating content for that, I feel like I was, like, had such a hard time with all of these things. And so then when I started my va business, I promised myself that I would figure out this content creation thing. I was like, I will not struggle with this again. Like, this. This will not be a thorn for me anymore. Like, this is going to be something I enjoy. This is going to be something that's easy. And now that's my reality. But it's like, I had to learn so many different things and really understand, why is this so hard? Why does this feel the way that it does? And so the second point of that is not only the brand messaging and what you're saying to your clients, but also the strategy behind it, which is, like, how often are you posting? What types of content are you creating? When are you creating them? Like, when are you posting them? And all of the little details that go into that, because what that allows you to do is then show up to your content creation space and have the masculine structures around you to then flow your feminine creativity into and be really supported in that. So that way, you're not like, okay, I need to create a week's worth of content or a month's worth of content or something like that. And then you go to start, and you're just, like, sitting at your computer, like, frozen. You're like, okay, but what does that actually mean? Like, what am I making. Am I making a real. Am I making a carousel? Like, what's it supposed to be about? And so your content strategy kind of helps just guide you. It doesn't have to be so, like, doesn't have to decide every single word that you say, but it just kind of gives you some general, like, guidance for what each piece of content should be based on what your business goals are. And that's different for everybody. So that's, like, a really important thing to remember, too. There's so much content out there. [00:20:00] Speaker B: I think a lot of us are so creative, and we think, okay, that person over there, there is a type a to be to a, you know, to a heart. Like, their heart is type a, their mind's type a. And they're so good at doing this, this, this rigidness. And some of it, a lot of us actually are just not like that. I'm not at all. I think we have to realize and understand, like you said, why is this not working for me? Such a good question. Why is this not working for me? And figure out what it will. Make it more fluid, make it more free. Have some strategy, make something that's going to be more fluid and free, you know, that's going to work for you with your creativity and the way you work and your personality and all this. Yeah. [00:20:33] Speaker A: And I love that you said that because it can feel that way. Like, oh, I need to be this, like, super organized person. And I think, like, pretty. I'm, like, looking at my work desk as I say this. I'm like, I'm pretty organized. I do, like, a certain level of structure just to optimize my time. Like, that's my biggest thing. I really value my time and my energy and being really mindful of it. I wear so many hats in life. I'm a mom, I'm a doula. I run this business. I do work for my clients and all these different things, running a home, trying to be a good person and do my own inner healing and make time for myself. It's a lot. Sometimes I do not have the time or energy to sit around guessing what to do, and so it more comes from that space. I really just want to be efficient and make the most of my creative energy. But I definitely wouldn't say that I'm like a super type a person at all. And that's why I love teaching content strategy, because I've realized how supportive it is for people who aren't type a to have some level of structure around that. [00:21:35] Speaker B: Yeah. And we could bring that type anus into our life. Like, we do need that. I like how you said the fluidity and I think that takes also time to understand what that is. I mean, there's so many content strategies and ways I've tried to create content. For me personally, I'm sure you've done that. [00:21:49] Speaker A: So many talked about your story already. [00:21:51] Speaker B: But man, it takes a lot of time to be like, oh, this feels really good, and then it'll change. [00:21:55] Speaker A: Super underrated. Like people want to find. Like, I feel like there's this myth out there that it's like, this is the thing that you do in your business and it's just we're humans. Like, we change and we evolve that. It's literally like the core essence of our existence is to evolve and change. We're going to change. And so I think, yeah, definitely you're on a good point. There is like, to be okay with that and to make space for that is super important. [00:22:17] Speaker B: Not being super structured allows for that too, because creative and things change and our clients change and who we want to serve changes. And being okay with that kind of shift, I think is, will help us grow even more. Right? [00:22:29] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And the last piece that I would add to that as far as like, how to this balance is to think about also your like, content creation routines and structures. So, like, how are you actually implementing this into your life? I think part of that wounded feminine space and I am still working on because I also have ADHD, but it's the time that it takes to create content. And being aware of that, I used to think I'll just create a piece of content real quick and then 2 hours later I'd be like, okay, that did not happen very quickly. And so I think that it's so important to also keep in mind, like, when am I going to do this? I do have to carve out time for it. It's not something that's just going to happen. I do have moments every now and then where I'm really inspired and I have a free moment and I'm like, I'm just going to make this real right now and that's fine, but I can't like, depend on that being what happens every time. And so I think it's important to just be mindful of how are you putting that into your schedule and how are you making that work for your life so that you can show up consistently? [00:23:32] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I like how you said routines and schedule and really just a lifestyle change. Like, that's what it is. Like, how can you make this a lifestyle change? Because it is. You have to shift your lifestyle to let this in. Just like, you know, working out of, you know, it's a lifestyle change. So you have to be the content creator. And what would you do or who, what do you need to do to become one, like, in your daily tasks? And that's why I love how you said, like, map the process. Like, what, what are you doing? How are you doing it? Your routines of what it looks like? Because without that structure, I mean, again, it's like the whole go with the flow thing. [00:24:07] Speaker A: Yeah. I love what you said about mapping out the process because that is such a key piece that I talk about with my clients, too, because we don't just go from like nothing to a completed piece of content in, like, you know, a few minutes. There are steps involved and some steps are harder than others. And I feel like when we get really intentional about that and like how you can do each one using your gifts in your, like, most aligned way, then it becomes so much easier to create content. Some of these steps might be like, first of all, coming up with an idea for your post, and then there's like lots of different ways to do that. I personally have a running document that's like literally 30 pages long. It's ridiculous. Of just like different content ideas that I jot down whenever I'm inspired. Or you might be an on the spot kind of person, or you might be really strategic and you like to use more strategy to come up with your ideas. So it's like, okay, what is your best way of doing that? And then we go from idea to copywriting. So writing the words for the carousel, writing the words for the caption, or writing the words for a real script or whatever it is that you're creating. And then we go into, like, creating graphics, filming the video, and then we go into scheduling or posting. And so there might be, you might break up the different tasks into different days. Like, there's so many different ways to do this that can work for you and create more space for you and your life in content creation. So that way it's not such a daunting task or something that's easy to put on the back burner. [00:25:38] Speaker B: There's so much power in mapping on a process and anything in your business, I mean, there's so much power. And I like how you said you look at HTML and you're like, okay, how can I make this work for me? And each of these steps, or you're going to notice, I hate this one step, like, I get stuck at this one step. Why do I get stuck at this one step? Maybe it's the actual creation of the content, right? The ideas. A lot of us probably have a million ideas. And then you're like, well, how can I implement it? What can I do to make the implementation or the creation of the content easier? What am I telling myself, right? Like, when I'm creating it, am I telling myself I suck at copywriting? Like, that was always my thing was like, I suck at writing copy. That was like my big limiting belief that I kept telling myself, but noticing that you tell yourself that is like, wait, let me shift this. Let me, you know, shift this whole wording verbiage, I'm telling myself. And that just that shift in that one workflow piece can make a really big difference in your content. I mean, and just shifting your limiting beliefs things are telling yourself, right? [00:26:32] Speaker A: I shared all my stories today. I just bought, like, a little clip on microphone, like a bluetooth microphone to use when I create content because I'm going to be experimenting with some new types of content here soon. And I was laying in bed looking over at this microphone, and I was like, wow. Like, you know, people who own microphones and people that buy microphones, they have something really important to say. You don't just have a microphone just because you're hanging out. Like, you've got something to say if you've got a microphone. And I still struggle to see myself as someone with something important, something valid to say that other people want to hear. And that affects the way that in the past I've shown up in content. And I really feel like my success in marketing and success in business has, like, been linear with, like, my healing journey and how much I've released shame and visibility wounds and, like, all of that, like, inner healing plays a really big part into your content. And I feel like people don't talk about that enough because a lot of us, we are scared to, like, say the wrong thing or we're scared to be seen or we're scared to express ourselves and, like, not be accepted. Like, there's so many different things that can go under that that also make content creation kind of sticky. [00:27:42] Speaker B: Yeah. Then that goes along with, like, the whole masculine feminine energy thing, like, being in tune with both. Because again, if you go all masculine, you're like, I don't care what I think or, you know, why I'm not doing this or whatever. You're just like, go, go, go. I feel like the feminine, you know, you're a lot more like, okay, why? How am I feeling this? Why am I feeling this? Were the thoughts coming up? Like, the whole thing that I had was just like, you suck at writing. It's like, well, you can sit there in that thought, which I did for a while, or you can be like, what would a writer that is really good do every day? Like, what would they do? They would write captions. They would write. That's what a really good writer, someone who is a good writer would do that every single day. And so I'm like, hey, what can I do to become that right now? And that shift, instead of just, like, wallowing in our, like, I can't speak or another one was, for me, was like, I thought I mumbled a lot and that I couldn't start a podcast or I couldn't do anything on video because I mumbled too much. Because that's what I was told when I was younger. You mumble too much. I'm like, oh, I speak horribly. And all my friends are like, what are you talking about? That makes no sense. So it's like, I love how you say that. It's so important to recognize what we're telling ourselves or what, you know, someone told us that we believe because, man, that shows up so powerfully in our content and prevents us from just our voices are so important to be out there and heard, every single one of us. [00:28:55] Speaker A: Yeah, that's so true. And you're totally right. That is the masculine piece coming in. Because even if you're scared, really scared of being on camera or you really think that you're making crappy content, well, guess what? If your content strategy says that you got to create free pieces of content this week, like, you're going to be showing up and doing it anyways. And even if it's bad, even if you think that it's bad, I'm sure it's really great. But even if you think that it's bad, or even if you're tripping over your words, it's like, at least you're practicing. Content creation is like a muscle, and, you know, the more that you exercise it and the more that you do it, the easier that it gets. But you do have to still show up. For some of my clients, that looks like showing up once a week and working that into their schedule and then growing that even more. It doesn't have to be this, like, you need to post every day or anything like that. It's just to say, like, it's important to at least be consistent and show up in a way that works for you. [00:29:45] Speaker B: Yeah, we were talking about this before, too, on the prep call of just, you know, we don't have to post 20 times a week. You know, it's, I think, more than ever, it's about quality over quantity. You know, more than ever, it's about quality over quantity. And when you can show up as your best self that one time a week, compared to just shoveling off crappy content five times a week, that one post is going to matter way more. And again, it's like that. Showing up every single week, one time with a really great, insanely great post or a really great, just like you showed up today kind of thing. [00:30:17] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. And at that point, your marketing, your content creation, it might be more for you than it is for your clients. And that's okay, because that stage is really important. In order to get you to, like, where you ultimately want to end up, we got to start working through some of the sludge and some of the slime that's like, covering your, like, expression and everything like that. Because they really believe that we're all little. We're all little like fractals of the divine. And we have such a beautiful expression and like you said earlier, such amazing things to share that people really need to hear. I'm a huge proponent of creating more than you're consuming. That's a personal value that I hold for myself. So anytime that I notice that I'm off balance with that, I'm just consuming a whole lot and then not creating anything, that's when I know that I'm kind of steering off into the wrong direction. Because I start filling my head with other people's voices and losing my own. [00:31:07] Speaker B: I've talked about it before, too. It's just like over consumption. The reason why we're so stuck is because we're sitting here for 2 hours looking at, I need more ideas, I need more inspiration from other people. But this whole episode was really about, like, listen to Emily, right? Listen to Emily about, you need your own balance. You need your own. And I love that little intention of just creating more than consuming. I mean, if we could do more of that, man. Like, when I'm not looking at other people's Instagram or other people's stuff, I can just create. Create? [00:31:36] Speaker A: Yeah. And that might be really, you know, it is a huge step up for a lot of people to put their voice out there and to create more. It's like a really empowered space to be in and to create these kind of, like, rules and your own way of doing things can be a big, like, power step for a lot of people that maybe they think, like, well, who are they to do that? Or like, they're not ready for that and anything like that. But, you know, that's how you got to where you're at. That's how I got to where I'm at. That's how the people that you're consuming their content, that's how they got to where they're at and they showed up and created something. Yeah. My piece of advice would be to just start somewhere. Exactly. [00:32:13] Speaker B: I love that. Okay, awesome. Well, before we totally end today, I always loved to hear because, I mean, this was amazing. So much. Just great way to take on content with awareness, with mindfulness, with really just focusing on your own self, body and intuition. I love this episode. Thank you so much for sharing. I love to ask the question of a failure turn learning lesson or just a really big learning lesson in your business that you've had and they can share with everybody. [00:32:39] Speaker A: Ooh, that's a great question. Okay. Honestly, I feel like it goes kind of in line with what we were just talking about. I don't think it was like, one specific moment more than it was, like, just a general theme of, like, not trusting myself. And that came a lot from, like, my own past and, like, previous relationships I've been in and everything like that, where I just learned, like, okay, I should not trust myself. I should not listen to my own thoughts. I should only do what other people tell me to do. And that kind of goes against, like, what a entrepreneur and a CEO needs to do. CEO needs to make decisions and needs to show up and, like, believe in what they're putting out there or else you're on your way to burning out if you're just going to do things the way that other people think you should do it. And so I think one of my bigger failures was just for so long trusting other people more than I trusted myself. And I am so grateful now to be in a place where I trust myself and trust my ideas and trust my voice. And coming from that has been, like, one of my favorite things that I like to share with other people because that's been one of my biggest struggles is trusting myself to just be me and that that is good enough and that that is valuable enough. [00:33:52] Speaker B: I love that. Thank you for leaving us with that. That's awesome. Where can whoever's listening connect with you and find you? [00:33:58] Speaker A: And, yeah, I would love, love, love to connect with you guys on Instagram. I love growing my community on there and seeing what everyone is up to. So you can follow me there. I am at the Helpers hub, and that's pretty much it right now. That's like my main spot that I hang out. I do have some really fun, free things coming up soon that I can't, unfortunately, like, share right now. But if you like this podcast and you like this community, then you should definitely get in touch with me on Instagram, because I'll have some amazing free things coming up soon that'll be super of value to anyone who is trying to pursue their dream life and loves doing that with other people. [00:34:39] Speaker B: Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Emily, for being honest. So amazing to have you. [00:34:42] Speaker A: Yeah, thank you so much for having me. And yeah, thank you so much. I'm so glad that we did this.

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