Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Money wounds are the hidden thing that's holding you back from the wealth that you desire. It always is. And we tend to think that there's just a missing strategy. And if I just did this differently, or if I had somebody else's blueprint, or maybe I need to run ads in my business or I need to raise my prices. We constantly think strategically and tactically, but it's always the money wounds that are blocking. And my favorite quote of all time is from Carl Jung and he says, until we make the subconscious conscious, it will direct our life and we will call it fate.
[00:00:35] Speaker B: Welcome to the society Gal podcast where trailblazing female entrepreneurs and creatives come together to spark change and build their dreams. This is where your passion meets purpose. And together we're crafting a future where everyone has the tools to succeed.
Welcome to the society Galaxy podcast. We are so excited to have Emily here with us today to talk all about money in so many good and amazing ways. And so we're just going to go ahead and get started and I just want to hear from you how you got to this place of educating others and empowering others about money and how important it is to every person's journey in their life.
[00:01:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, I honestly never thought that I would be doing this. It was the biggest plot twist in my life. And I think many of us who are coaches on something, it's because we had to learn the hard way, you know, so usually you don't hire the health coach. That's like, I've always been at my perfect weight and I've never struggled with diet and exercise. It's like usually the one that people are most attracted to has gained and lost weight and struggled and all of that. And so the same is definitely true for me with money. Just as a little backstory in entrepreneurship, because this is not my first business. I was working in corporate America, thought I would do it forever, was in a field that was pretty friendly to working mothers. So I was like, great, I'm going to have babies, I'm going to continue working. And I had my daughter went back to work when she was eleven weeks old and it was a way rougher reentry than I ever thought it would be.
And I was, you know, driving all over LA to see my clients. I was in sales with breast pumps attached to me, thinking like, what? What am I doing here? I'm paying someone else $1,000 to watch my kid. I'm driving around miserable, like missing her. What had happened during that eleven week maternity leave is that my husband had convinced me for us to start a little side hustle. So we started printing these, like, funny designs with, like, edgy colors and humor onto baby onesies, and we put them on Amazon. And I just thought, like, whatever, we can just set the money aside and maybe in 18 years, when Faye is ready to go to college, there will be a nice little chunk of change for her.
But because corporate America was just feeling so soul sucking as a mother and it was so unexpected, I started to think like, well, what if this could be something more than just a side hustle? And so, fast forward three years. We've now sold over a million dollars in baby onesies on Amazon. I'm pregnant with my son, and I'm like, I can't do it the same way I did before. So this has to be it. This is like my deadline to leave my safe, cushy job. But we needed a little bit more income to feel stable because with the e commerce, you're spending a lot on inventory and on ads, and the products were seasonal, and so it just didn't feel safe enough to just be like, the thing. So we started an agency for brands that also needed help selling on Amazon. And then those two things together were what allowed me to become a full time entrepreneur. Fast forward again. That becomes a seven figure business, and we have a whole team, and I'm the CEO, and that's like my main focus. I was in Sedona over the holidays, which is like a very, like, spiritual vibe y kind of place. I'm getting like a shamanic massage, and I hear this voice that's not mine in my head saying, you need to take six weeks away from this role. And I didn't want to listen to it. I totally had all of my worth tied up in my work and my productivity, but I very reluctantly listened. And in that six weeks away, I just was getting, like download after download about how to get myself out of that CEO role, who to put in place, how to change the chart, and that I was really meant to be coaching women entrepreneurs and specifically around money. And so I still felt terrified about it. Even though I had run two seven figure businesses, I didn't feel like I'm a money guru. I have this all figured out. Let me just grace you with all of my wisdom. And I was telling you, you can listen to my first episode of the podcast. And it's me scared me talking about money and just saying, here's what I'm going to do, and here are my fears, and these are the ways. I'm scared I'm going to be judged, but I'm just going to do it anyway.
[00:05:07] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:05:07] Speaker A: And I just was in the pursuit of, like, transparent conversations about money. And, you know, that led me to building a multi six figure coaching business to creating money wound medicine, to, you know, really creating an entire methodology around money wounds. And now I'm writing the book on it so that it's going to be published in a few months as well.
[00:05:31] Speaker B: That's awesome.
[00:05:32] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:05:33] Speaker B: I love hearing the stories from where you were to how you got here. And I know that you probably went through so many, which we'll talk about more, but through your methodology, with everything you probably went through to get past your own money wounds to be where you are today. But I think what I love most about your story is when you had to pause, when you were prompted to pause. And as we talk more in this podcast about dealing with money, those downloads, that inner work, is all from those pauses and those silences with ourselves, quiet everything else out. What we think we're supposed to be doing and really, really work on ourselves, it's really going to benefit us. Because something you said that I love when we were talking earlier was, it's really the inner work that gets us to where we want to be instead of the milestones that we think we need to be at to then feel good about ourselves. We need to feel good about ourselves first to get to where we want to be. We always think of the outside, like, outside things, outside goals, successes that look good on the outside, the numbers, everything. But we don't know why it's not really happening until we look inward. We're gonna talk about that more today with money wounds. I really want to have everyone hear your method, because I think some of us probably have done money work and maybe have read some books about money and, you know, some popular books out there about money and have worked on it a little bit. But you have a really, really awesome methodology. I would love to hear about, about the different types of money wounds that we deal with and that come up and how identifying those can really help us work on them and become better and become successful in our own lives.
[00:07:03] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. And you had mentioned the Enneagram earlier, and I was a huge fan of that at the time as well. And that actually sort of got me thinking about this diagnostic around money, because the way that we're conditioned in childhood shows up in every aspect of our lives. And so my hypothesis was like, it's also showing up in our money, but it's showing up differently for different people. And I had to go no further than my marriage to see that. I wanted to save. I wanted a lot of money in the bank account. I was frugal. I was a bargain shopper. And then my husband was super, like, freewheeling with money. Like, oh, it's all going to work out. Let's just, you know, let's just spend. Let's just splurge. It's all good. And he would send me real estate. He'd look on Zillow or Redfin, and he'd send me these listings for these three to $5 million homes in our dream area of southern California. And for him, this was like a vision board kind of a thing. He loved it. Like, look, this one's got a tennis court. And what went through my body because I had unhealed money wounds was, this guy is completely out of touch. He has no clue how money works or our finances or what is affordable for us. Impossible. I'm on my own. I need to be the responsible one in our family. If he were in charge of the money, we might be homeless. God only knows what he would do with it. And so it really triggered this major anxiety response in me. And so then I was bringing, like, this sort of anxious slash buzzkill energy in response to him when he's just like, I don't get it. Like, we're dreaming here. Of course we're going to be here someday. And I mean, spoiler alert, he was right. Like, I'm recording this from a, you know, an almost a $3 million home in our dream location, 180 degree ocean views. Like, it, you know, it all did happen. But that's just an example of how my childhood conditioning was playing out in our relationship. So it's a super long way of getting into this, but I think that's even if you don't know what your money wounds are, I guess my point is, you'll see the symptoms of them in your life. If you're like, wait, why am I so triggered by someone sending me a $5 million home for sale? It's like those triggers are just symptoms of money wounds. And when we go through a diagnostic process to understand what the wound is, what the root cause is, and then start to give it the unique medicine, everything changes. So there are six distinct money wounds, and I can name them all. And then if we want to go deeper on one or two of them, we can. There's the money shame wound. I'm not worthy of money. I'm not that special. There's the evil money wound. If I get too rich, I'm going to be judged. I'm going to be voted off the island for my family and friends, or I'm going to have to do something that goes against my morals. And there's the safe money wound. I'm not going to feel safe until I have this big, fat bank account.
Money trust wound. I don't trust myself with money and these big financial decisions. A hard money wound. Gotta work harder if I want to make more. And then the disappearing money wound, just like I don't trust money, I think it could leave me. I could build up this whole thing and then it's here one day, and then the next day it's gone.
[00:10:34] Speaker B: Wow, those are so good.
Like all those. I can even, like, list them in my head of what I felt personally, but I love those. I've had mindset coaching around money. I've also, you know, read books around money to start that process of, like, inner work around money because I think we all need it. But I've never heard it identified that way. And I think that's really, really cool because you can go so deep into each one and you have so many resources to go deeper into each one. That's why I love the enneagram. I think that's why everyone loves the Enneagram because we can really identify those and dig deeper. And Emily does have, which we'll put it in the show notes, but she does have an actual quiz. It's a free quiz, right? Yes, the free quiz on her website that helps you diagnose your money wounds. Then she has all these resources and everything or description about the money wound type on there. So if you want to go check that out yourself and, like, really dig into what that is, I think that's a really great start. So I would love to hear for everyone listening to this podcast, I would love for someone to take away what are the first steps to really dig into the inner work around their money wounds? Well, I think first, before we dig into that, is why do we need to, like, why do we really need to take the time to dig into these? And then we'll talk about kind of where the first, next steps. But I really want to hear from you why everyone listening to this needs to do this work.
[00:11:56] Speaker A: Yeah. So money ones are the hidden thing that's holding you back from the wealth that you desire. It always is. And we tend to think that there's just a missing strategy. And if I just did this differently or if I had somebody else's blueprint, or maybe I need to run ads in my business, or I need to raise my prices. We constantly think strategically and tactically, but it's always the money wounds that are blocking. And my favorite quote of all time is from Carl Jung, and he says, until we make the subconscious conscious, it will direct our life, and we will call it fate. And it's so true because we think, wow, I just have really bad luck. I got a $20,000 tax refund, and the next day, my car broke down. It just feels like you're a victim of fate or a victim of circumstance. And we don't realize that in our subconscious, we're so uncomfortable with the idea of receiving a $20,000 lump sum payment that we actually manifest a reason that the money just has to leave immediately or whatever else. I mean, I could give you a million examples. That's just one that pertains, typically to the disappearing money wound. But we think that we're victims of circumstance, and it's actually that our subconscious mind is so powerful that it's just running the show. And so, until we make the subconscious conscious, it's the thing calling all the shots in our lives that we have no idea about. And so we're just going along, trying to fix it with these band aid solutions and with new strategies and new tactics. But our bank account is always the evidence.
It's like, you can tell me whatever you want, that you've got this great mindset around money and that you've been working on it, and it's like, you know what the truth is? The truth is in your bank account. And it's like, if you can see the evidence of exactly what you're an energetic match for. And I don't say that with, like, any blame or shame or guilt. Like, we all just are where we are. But if you're wanting to change it, that's when we have to go down to the roots, and the roots are always the money wounds.
[00:14:08] Speaker B: That's really great. I love how you said the band aids of strategies and courses. I mean, especially in this world of many, many voices and trying to be successful in your own business, and, you know, the marketing, all the different aspects of business, I think we all need to work on each part of it, of course, but I think we try to do those first and get the strategies first and the exact business model first, and, like, all these things first before we're ready for it, really, before we're ready to receive, I think, which I'm sure is part of a money wound. But before we're ready to even bring that in and bring that success in. And I think I see that so often, just in my experience as an entrepreneur, too. Is everyone grappling for all these strategies and never, ever getting anywhere? Just strategy. Strategy, strategy. Freebies.
[00:14:57] Speaker A: Freebies.
[00:14:57] Speaker B: Freebies courses, coaches, all these things. And so I love how you said, I mean, you're so bold in saying it's money, and I love that because a lot of people are not that bold to say that. But I love how bold you are in saying it is about money because I don't think most of us realize that it is at all.
[00:15:16] Speaker A: Yeah, the weird thing is that it is and it isn't. When we dig back into, like, the root cause of each money wound, none of the root causes are actually money. That's the funny thing. But it's what we're projecting, acting onto money. It's the meaning that we're giving it that ends up creating this really funky relationship with money. It's like if you think about what money is, which is just sort of this, like, neutral resource that gets exchanged, we don't have hang ups about anything else similar to money. It's like if you happen to breathe more oxygen than me, which, like, I wouldn't even know. We couldn't. I don't know how you even measure that. But let's say it's true. There's no part of me that's projecting on you. Like, you're greedy. Who does she think she is to be breathing more oxygen than everybody else? Yeah, because we just feel so neutral about it. And so it's really everything else that we're projecting onto money that makes it such a difficult relationship. And so it's this weird push pull because consciously, most of us want more of it, especially entrepreneurs. Like, we tend to be pretty goal driven, and we understand that we could do good with more money and that this would be, like, a great thing for a lot of reasons. And then it's subconsciously is where the pull is, because subconsciously is like, but who are you to have that? Watch out. People are going to judge you if you get that. What if you build it all up and then it all goes away? And it's that subconscious pull that wins every time. Like, our conscious push can't overcome the subconscious pull.
[00:16:55] Speaker B: I love how you clarified that. But as entrepreneurs listening to this podcast, our audience are entrepreneurs. I think everybody needs it. I mean, everybody, but especially entrepreneurs. Because we need money to make money. Yeah, it's just money makes the world go around. It literally does. You know, that's energy. Like you said, energy. It's a resource.
[00:17:13] Speaker A: It's everywhere.
[00:17:14] Speaker B: We need it to have a successful business, to have the lifestyle we want to give to others, to serve other people, to be that person, to influence other people in a better way. So many reasons why. But I don't think people, for example, not seeing that, keep themselves comfortable in a little space of earning this much money or this small a business. And it's so limiting in so many ways. I've seen it personally. It can be so limiting. So I love how you said, the deeper we go, the deeper we find it's not all about money, but it does affect everything that has to do with money, which money affects all of our lives in so many different ways. So it's just kind of a vice versa situation. But yeah, that really made me look at money in a different way just by you saying that. So I love that.
[00:17:56] Speaker A: I'm so glad.
[00:17:57] Speaker B: So I love to. Yeah, go into the next question I was discussing earlier, but just how can somebody even start in this? Because this can be really overwhelming, whether they have a coach or not. Just how can they really take these next steps of identifying these things and taking the time to look at them and making their life better because they have a better relationship with money.
[00:18:13] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, definitely start with the quiz. Just go to moneywoundsquiz.com and take it. That's why I said, because I really believe in the power of the diagnostic. Understanding what it actually is is so helpful because as women, when we don't know, we assume the worst. We're like, oh, I'm just broken. I guess I'm just, money is just not going to happen for me. Apparently, it's when God was stamping babies before they went into the womb. I just missed that stamp. Not going to be rich. We create all kinds of crazy, unhealthy stories, and it's so helpful to be like, oh, okay, I just have a safe money wound and a money shame wound. And like, I'm not my wound. It's just something that I have and it's something that can be healed. And so all of a sudden, we're in a much more empowered position to start going further. And I have a signature program called money wound medicine that's incredible. And we dive deep into each of the wounds and the unique medicine and the permanent healing and how to alchemize your wounds into wealth and all of that. So, I mean, of course I'd love it if everyone signed up for that. But even if you just start with a free resource, like, that's great, too. And you can tune into my podcast. There's plenty of free resources that I put out there that would be a helpful way to get started.
[00:19:39] Speaker B: Awesome. And does the quiz have questions or, like, anything like that?
[00:19:43] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:19:44] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:19:44] Speaker A: Yeah. So you answer, I think it's six or seven questions, and then you get your results, and it shows you the relative strength of each of the wounds. And then it'll give you some more specific information about your top wound. Like, what does it. What does it maybe sound like inside of your head? What does it maybe feel like in your body? And I give, like, a little healing affirmation to get you going and on the right track with starting to heal that wound.
[00:20:17] Speaker B: Awesome. So there are some action steps on there, too. So that's really, really cool. I love that you have those resources, so you all have to tap into those resources as well. And I just want to finish with, I know our audience is full of a lot of women and a lot of mothers, and so I just want to hear from you as a mother, how has this relationship with money affected you and even just the clients that you have worked with by not just as an entrepreneur, but yourself as a mother and your presence as a mother?
[00:20:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, man, motherhood has turned me into a completely different human, like, in so many aspects. And I think it's a loaded question because on the one hand, I went into, like, hyper masculine energy when I became a mom. Like, on surface, motherhood is so feminine. I'm breastfeeding. I had, like, a natural home birth. I just loved my kids. I was so fortunate I didn't have any baby blues. Like, I just loved being a mom and that nurturing. But the masculine energy, which is providing, making sure there's safety, caring for, is also super present. And I definitely felt more financial pressure. Like, yes, we're paying for all of this, you know, daycare and everything. But even just aside from that, it was like, holy crap, I got to be an adult now. And what I want for my kids was bigger than what I wanted. And I also, you know, when I started going into the money healing work, I could really see how it was going to be such a gift for my kids, too, because I want them to think that everything is possible and not be making decisions. It's so sad. You know, people come on my podcast and they talk about, like, I always wanted to be an artist, but I got a business degree or I became a nurse because my dad told me that's what you had to do to make money. Like, there are so many artists that are making insane livings, but it's like, I don't want my kids to ever feel like, oh, money is the most important thing in my decision tree of my life. And so anytime I want to do anything, I have to check with money and ask for permission and make sure that it aligns to that. And so I knew I needed to clean up my own money story in order to be able to, like, give a different legacy to my kids. So, yeah, it's honestly just been such a gift. I also was, like, an overworking entrepreneur, and my kids, like, really helped bring me into balance with that, too, because they just matter so much to me that it's like, oh, yeah, okay, this business goal actually isn't that important. It's not worth missing this time with my kids.
[00:23:05] Speaker B: They're our biggest teachers, our biggest mirrors, too.
[00:23:08] Speaker A: I feel like, oh, for sure, they're.
[00:23:10] Speaker B: Our best mirrors for inner work. I mean, you look at them like, oh, I gotta work on this. I gotta work on this. I gotta work on this about how beautiful that is. I. Sometimes we get so deep into our businesses, and we're like, someday, someday I will be at this place, like, kind of the outward goal thing where I'm working only a few hours a day and I'm spending all these days with my kids. And then years go by and you're still hustling, you're still not getting to where you want to be. And so I love how you're like, yeah, you know, I looked at them, I looked at myself, and I'm like, I need to clean myself up now. Do the inner work now because they need you now. The rest will come once we work on ourselves, especially our generation. A lot of limiting things from our generation of go to college, retire, and, you know, this is your life. This is how you're gonna be stable in life and not be here in debt or just be comfortable, just retire. All these different things. And so unwinding a lot of that is really difficult. But working on ourselves really does influence our children and vice versa. It's all that mirroring between our children. You did that for yourself, for them. It's just such a win win for them and the opportunities they'll have in their life. So awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on here with us and sharing all about the money wounds and just introducing this new perspective and this really awesome methodology you have that everyone can have the opportunity to just dig into right away with this quiz I think is amazing. And also, Emily has an awesome podcast that has so many really inspirational, in depth episodes about what she just touched on today. They're just amazing. They're outstanding. And I'm going to listen to a few as well. So I hope all of you can get started on your journey with money, wounds and healing those. Where can we find you? Emily, is there anything else you want to share?
[00:24:51] Speaker A: Oh, thank you so much. Yeah, I love connecting on Instagram, so come slide into my DM's I'mmakesmoney. Let me know you listen to this episode and let me know if I can hook you up with any resources. And then my podcast is called the joyous Path to millions. It's a top 3% global show. So come tune into one of those.
[00:25:11] Speaker B: Episodes, your book in a few months, right?
[00:25:13] Speaker A: Yes, exactly. So depending on when you're listening to this, go on Amazon and I guess search my name because I don't think I'm ready to share what the title of the book is yet. But I do have it and it's going to be really great.
[00:25:26] Speaker B: So maybe it'll be in the show notes in the future. That's right. Listening to it when.
Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Emily. Thank.